lock plus

privacy and security

How we use your information

We will never sell any information collected from our customers during the ordering process to internet or direct mail services. You can shop with the full confidence that your personal and purchasing information will remain private. 

Our highest priority is to provide our customers with a secure shopping environment. 

The shopping cart on our website which requires you to enter personal data such as your name, e-mail address, and credit card information is PROTECTED by the industry standard secure sockets layer encryption technology.

How we use your email address

We do not sell, rent, or otherwise provide personally identifiable information to third parties.

By placing an order, you agree that we may send you service or promotional communications through email and notices. Generally we send out a special offer once every 3 months or so. The frequency is subject to change. Please email or call us if you do not wish to receive promotional offers or newsletters.

We collect your e-mail address when you place an order, if you enter a contest or if you volunteer to join our Newsletter. This address is used primarily to communicate with you about your order. We also periodically send out informational and promotional newsletters.

If you provide your e-mail address, you are automatically added to that list. However, opting out of that list is as simple as clicking a link at the bottom of any e-mail you receive from us. By opting out, you are immediately and permanently removed from our list; unless and until you manually add yourself back in. Your e-mail address is not sold or given to any other companies or "partners".

We don't rent or sell your personal information

We do not sell, rent or share any personal information about our customers to any third party. We realize that our customers trust us to protect their personal information. We take that task seriously. Your Credit Card information is protected with SSL encryption through our Secure server payment system.

At no time will we ever release your credit card or personal information to anyone!

Why we ask you to provide information

As a customer, your email address and phone number will never be rented, sold, or provided to a third party. Occasionally, we make special offers available to our customers like promotions, sales, events, discounts, etc. You may periodically receive e-mail notification from us regarding these special events and offers. If you do not want to receive e-mail notification from us concerning special promotions, or new products simply use the "unsubscribe" link. Should you have questions about how we use your information, feel free to send us a message by visiting the Contact Us section of this Web site.

We also regularly aggregate our sales and market information based on our customers' purchases. We use this information to be certain that we are offering the right products at the right time. We like to understand what regions of the country buy more products from us, what products are the most popular, and generally how our business is doing. At no time is any personally identifiable information made available in these market aggregates.


We do employ cookies (a cookie is a piece of data that is sent to your browser from a web server, and stored on your hard drive) to allow us to maintain products in your shopping cart as you explore various parts of our Web site. Cookies also allow us to know if you have visited our site before or if you are a first time visitor. This provides us with important marketing information and lets us know how we are doing at both attracting new visitors and maintaining relationships with our existing customers. Cookies are required to place an online order with us.

Secure Online Ordering

Your personal and credit card information is encrypted during transmission through our Secure Socket Layer (SSL), and maintained in a secure database that is not connected to the Internet. Our web site security and fulfillment processes have been reviewed and approved by VeriSign, an independent security accrediting group.